Thursday, September 3, 2020
Is Miltons Satan the hero of Paradise Lost in any way other than being Research Paper
Is Miltons Satan the legend of Paradise Lost in any capacity other than being the viable hero Is it conceivable to identify with him - Research Paper Example The paper will give a record of Milton’s treatment of Satan, while considering the basic convention and discussion spoke to by some of Teskey pundits referenced previously. Like different legends, Milton’s sonnet, Paradise Lost commends a culture or a religion he intensely battled for. Satan is one character who has and still incites feelings, for example, detest, disdain, and fear. Notwithstanding, these feelings are fundamentally evoked by the cultural reflections on Satan and not from singular encounters. By and large, Satan is a character who is appreciated by certain scholars because of his notoriety of seeking after malevolence. Milton is one such essayist who exhibits Satan as a legend however in a negative manner (Herman and Sauer 50-54). Milton didn't expect to promote the evilness related with Satan. In actuality, he needs to build up Satan’s thought process of needing to be over his companions. While depicting the Creation and Fall of Man, Milton concentrates more on jobs of Satan other than those of God. Be that as it may, he can protect God’s prevalence and temperate aims and depict Satan as noxious and convincing. Milton’s portrays Satan as one who comprehends our inclinations and plans to utilize this information to beguile us into accepting that he thinks about us (Answerable Style: The Genre of Paradise Lost Web). As per C. S. Lewis, â€Å"Every sonnet can be considered in two different ways as what the artist needs to state and as a thing which he makes. From the one perspective it is an outflow of conclusions and feelings; from the other, it is an association of words which exists to deliver a specific designed involvement with readers†(Milton and Gordon, â€Å"Paradise Lost: Authoritative Text, Sources and Backgrounds, Criticism†404). Milton’s sonnet has various varieties of epic shows, which makes it pervasive. In Paradise Lost, Satan is one of the characters whom a few pundits, for example, William Blake and Percy Bysshe Shelley think about the epic saint of the sonnet. This
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Discuss the ways in which Jonathon Swift Essay Example for Free
Examine the manners by which Jonathon Swift Essay He says that men wouldnt offer to beat or kick [their wives] during their season of pregnancy inspired by a paranoid fear of an unnatural birth cycle. Orwells composing is about death, a subject that would not generally have been talked about in the conversational way he employments. The utilization of metaphor in Swifts composing adds to the feeling of repugnance felt by the peruser. In A Modest Proposal, he doesnt essentially express that we ought to eat babies, however continues endlessly with progressively horrifying thoughts. He proposes plans and even prescribes excoriating the body to make honorable gloves what's more, summer boots, which is all essentially loathsome to the peruser. In Gullivers Travels he really expounds on the most nauseating of substantial capacities as in Lilliput where he can't avoid placing in that his defecation was carted away in work carts. Orwell doesnt misrepresent in How The Poor Die yet essentially underscores and emphasizes his point on the dishonorable absence of regard appeared for the lives of poor people. There are a few sentences and expressions that Swift uses in an easygoing, careless way that incite repugnance the peruser. For instance he discusses the twenty thousand cadavers as though they were dairy cattle and he discusses newborn child tissue similarly that somebody may discuss sheep. The possibility that infants ought to be eaten at happy gatherings, especially weddings and christenings is particularly appalling. In Gullivers Travels the language is rarely coarse and the topic isnt as implausible as in A Modest Proposal, yet it is as yet revolting to the peruser. For instance, to peruse of how the Yahoos would untouchable their pioneers most loved and afterward release their waste products upon him from head to foot. Orwell is definitely more unobtrusive than Swift, deciding to avoid the filthy and basically state what he sees. He portrays a case into which pieces of food and messy dressings from the ward were flung. This normally repulses the peruser, particularly for what it's worth in an emergency clinic. He additionally decides to focus on the upsetting the perusers sentiments instead of their stomach. The shocking thought of a demise not saw till the morning upsets me in an alternate manner to Swifts composing. Both Swift and Orwell disturb the peruser by causing them to stand up to some of people groups most exceedingly terrible feelings of dread. Quick arrangements with the grisly idea of human flesh consumption, and Orwell talks about two basic feelings of dread: neediness and undignified passing. One of the most noticeably terrible, as I would like to think is the infringement and absence of regard for the dead. The detail with which Swift depicts his thought is cooling, the exact estimation of figures is likewise upsetting. As he legitimizes it, it appears the thought could nearly be sensible, all things considered, he has taken something that is totally adequate for us to do to creatures, and supplanted it with babies. On the off chance that it werent for the unpleasant, negative tone of his composition and the cynical cleverness that gets through, the peruser can imagine how he really needed to eat kids. Close to the finish of How The Poor Die, Orwell alludes to the poor having their teeth removed with no sedative. This would hit home for some perusers as an immense number of individuals will have had a tooth extricated sooner or later in their lives and would have the option to identify legitimately with the people in question. In Gullivers Travels the repulsive areas appear to be all the more happy as it were, than the other two pieces. I discover Gulliver truly depicting horrendous procedures a touch of sickening, marginally interesting, however not upsetting. I imagine that the sickening segments in Gullivers Travels are less significant than those in A Modest Proposal and How The Poor Die. I think that its hard to pick whose approach is increasingly successful as the two journalists are very extraordinary. The two of them had social still, small voices: Swift was a dignitary and Orwell an early communist, anyway I get the feeling that Swift is angrier about destitution and it appears in the incredible idea of his composition. Orwell doesnt appear as energetic as Swift, as he doesnt utilize such emotive language and writes in an unpolished, level way. Taking everything into account, I discover Swift progressively successful. This is presumably due to the ludicrous, hostile nature of what he has written in A Modest Proposal. I imagine that by writing in this engaging manner and diverting the peruser he is more successful than Orwell.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Module 4 - Case Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Essay
Module 4 - Case Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility - Essay Example Further, society all in all expects that the conduct of the considerable number of residents ought to be with the end goal that society propels all alone instead of relapse because of activities and practices. During the ongoing occasions, high profiled disappointments of huge associations, exploitative conduct being related with the senior officials of the organizations just as false business, and bookkeeping rehearses have featured the requirement for accentuating more business morals. The current monetary emergency has likewise featured the vulnerabilities of the budgetary division of the world and how senior administrators utilized the cash given for bailout purposes as their own rewards. The clamor by the general population, in this way, has been for the most part coordinated towards the dishonest conduct of associations towards various partners. This paper will examine moral conduct of two associations, for example Primark and Anglo American, and will investigate expenses and a dvantages required just as talking about one segment from Svennson and Woods’ model. What is Ethical Business Behavior Every business has a duty towards the general public, and moral conduct plots the principles and guidelines which really oversee the moral conduct of the organizations. ... It is likewise critical to comprehend that society anticipates from the organizations and in that capacity, organizations need to compare to the fundamental standards of the general public. This, along these lines, necessitates that organizations ought not connect any such conduct which can adequately conflict with the qualities and standards of the general public. A portion of the basic zones where firms frequently face basic decisions regarding moral business conduct incorporate fund, bookkeeping, flexibly chain the board, human asset the board, and advertising. These are where firm frequently draw in into conduct which may not be altogether considered as moral in nature. There have been occurrences where firms have drawn in into activities which were not considered as moral. Rates, for example, distortion of data introduced in money related records, lacking and insufficient working conditions for the laborers, unjustified rewards and high pay levels of senior administrators, and s o on., are a portion of the issues which have gone under substantial screener of untrustworthy strategic policies (Dowling, Festing, and Engle, 2008). How Primark Applies Ethics One of the key worries for Primark is to source morally on the grounds that it needs to manage assortment of outsider sources. Thinking about the general idea of business of the firm, Primark needs to secure its merchandize from various providers dispersed everywhere throughout the world. Moral issues, especially with respect to the gracefully chain of the firm, emerge because of antagonistic work circumstance in suppliers’ nations. In spite of the fact that Primark is resolved to give great incentive to its clients, it is sure about the issue of not conveying such an incentive on the cost of the individuals who really produce for the firm. Accordingly, Primark endeavors to adjust
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Significance Of The Mediator Find Consensus In Conflict Law Essay - Free Essay Example
This article examines the significance of the mediator in conflict. Mediation is a process of conflict analysis or conflict management which involves a specially-trained third party the mediator helping people in a dispute to attempt to discuss their situation and resolve it together (Capelos and Smilovitz, 2008). Mediation can happen at many levels, it is based on a third party to try to be an important ingredient of social change aimed at achieving greater harmony and equity between individuals and groups, both within and between societies (Ronald, 2001). In this article, the first aim is to represent the role of the mediator and the importance of the mediator. Then the second part is related to the parties in conflict and the behaviors of them. The third part is talked about the consensus in conflict. The fourth part show how the mediation works in conflict and the process, problems, techniques and benefits of the mediation. The last part is the conclusion of this paper. The mediators help the parties in their negotiations by facilitating a fair process which results in the disputing parties voluntarily reaching a mutually agreeable settlement. The mediator is not a judge and they do not have the right to make decisions or impose solutions on the dispute. The role of the mediator is completely different from that of a judge or an arbitrator. (James G. Zack Jr, 2000). The mediators do not simply listen to the negotiations and write down the words of solutions. In nature, a mediator can be called as a negotiation facilitator. As a neutral negotiation facilitator, the responsibility of a mediator is to offer a comfort environment for the parties to express their points of view, make clear misunderstandings, explore possible solutions and assist the parties to reach an acceptable settlement. The mediator must collect any information regarded as necessary to assist the negotiation process and must drive a solution which satisfies each agent (Benisch and Sadeh, 2005). The mediator is the core part in the mediation process. Without the mediator it is like that the opponent parties are still in dispute with disorder or at a loss what to do. The mediator can give the parties the possible to reach satisfied resolution they want. With the help of the mediator, people can keep control over the resolution of their dispute. An effective mediator has strong inter-personal skills and are adept .in forming quick relationship of trust and understanding with all the parties involved in dispute (Richbell, 2002). In com mon, parties are unfamiiliar with the mediator they chosen. As a mediator, it is necessary to establish trust from their agents quickly then they can build good relationship. In order to build a good relationship with the agents, a mediator should demonstrate that he has empathy with them (Richbell, 2002). The Parties The parties can help the mediator understand the interests of them. The motivation of the parties to seek help from a mediator is rooted in self-interest (Giessmann and Wils, 2009). The mediator needs to know these internets and understand the internets are different between the parties. The parties can not control the mediator, so they often expect the mediator can be fair and responsive during the mediation process. The reactions of the parties to conflict are often different. During the process of mediation the mediator should need to underscores the need of both sides of the parties and put equal effort into understanding their interests. The attitude of one party may be suspicious and unreliable to the other. Goal of one party is to win and for the other to lose. If the power is balanced in conflict, one party may hope to get the run upon; if the power is unequal, the stronger party will hope to dominate the weaker one. Parties are also inclined to assume that any misjudgments on their parties are set up and emphasize the difference between each other verbally or mentally. It is hard to deal with a problem when people are misunderstanding each other, being angry and thinking respectively (Doye et al, 2010). For example, in the conflict from a community organization and a church is related to a dispute about whether leasing buildings to mental health organization in community, people from different parties hold different opinions to each other. The community organization thinks people with mental problems will bring security leaks to the nearby residents. This opinion comes from that people often have a bad impression of mental patients. The church argues that the residents opposite to the church are selfish and their faith is different. Both sides think on their own side. The relationship of them is entangled in discussion of the problem. So, they need a mediator to help them reach a satisfied solution. The Consensus A successful conclusion of a mediation process should be ended in a satisfied agreement through the mediator. The purpose of mediation is to locate issues, clear misunderstandings, find solutions, and negotiate settlement. The mediator should assist the process of negotiation conducted in a collaborative way not a competitive one. Competitive negotiation is a process of win-lose dispute with deadlock as the outcome of negotiation. Collaborative negotiation is a process of win-win dispute with the consensus as the outcome of negotiation. The purpose of people finding help from a mediator should be to settle problems constructively and satisfy the needs of both sides. Decisions of parties may be changed at the end of the mediation because all potential settlements can turn out after mediation. In order to reach an agreement during negotiation, parties may need to make concessions so long as their interests are ensured. For reaching the consensus, mediators should assist the parties t o reconcile their interests or their positions. In the example of community organization and church, the outcome of their dispute may guarantee their interests finally, but both sides of them must have made an acceptable concession to the other. Effect of the mediator Mediation is an effective way for people to save money and time during dispute. Mediation is fair to the parties because the mediators are neutral third parties who do not get interest from the outcome. It is also a confidential process due to the information are not tape-recorded or transcribed. Most important, mediation can avoid lengthy and unnecessary litigation. Mediation offers a setting different from litigation and creates a chance for the parties to participate in the solution of their dispute (Margulies, 2002). The key feature of mediation is that it is private. This enables the parties to talk honestly and about their opinions and opinions on the other parties. The mediator is neutral so that the interest of mediation focuses on helping the parties to reach the settlement of their dispute, by creating a right atmosphere, asking the right questions and building the relationship with trust. During the process of mediation, mediators try to make people trust them and the opponent parties. Building trust is a complex process. People are often unfamiliar with their allocated mediator so different people vary in their willingness to trust their mediator. The mediators often have some personal qualities to promote trust between them and the parties effectively. Besides, mediators also ensure that the parties also have strong faith on the mediation process. Finally, the mediators also try to make the parties trust each other. The more the parties trust each other the more they will devote themselves to promote dispute settlement (George, 2005). An effective mediator of dispute dose not need to be a professional lawyer, but it is necessary for him to have strong inter-personal skills and the ability to form quick relationships of trust with clients. Building a good relationship with parties makes mediators must have some key skills and techniques to be effective. In mediation, mediators often use many methods and techniques to facilitate communication and reconciliation. First, a mediator should be ready to listen to what the parties want to say without interrupting or judgments. During listening, a mediator needs to collect information and encourage people to state all their opinions (Richbell, 2002). The mediator should listen quietly without response until the speakers have had nothing to say. Emotion may be more important than words sometime, especially in a bitter dispute. So, listening can also make mediators understand their perception and feel the emotions of people. The mediators should also avoid reacting to emotional outburst, as it may lead to arguments during the negotiation (Doye et al, 2010). Second, the mediator should keep harmony with the parties. An effective mediator often creates an atmosphere which is comfortable and stress-free to the parties, shows interest and respects to the individuals of the parties by ensuring his or her behaviours are in harmony. Then the mediators also should have the ability to as k effective questions. Best questions are simple and short and useful in gathering information. Next, summarizing is also a valuable method for mediators. Through summarizing, mediators can check their understanding of the parties, find the key issues, change the direction of conversation, and save time. After summarizing, mediators often reframe the statements of parties for reducing unnecessary misunderstanding of the parties. All these skills are committed to avoiding blockages during the course of the mediation. Conclusion Mediation is an effective process for people to save money and time in conflict. Mediation is an essential way for assisting negotiation. When the direct negotiation between the parties breaks down, the best opinion is to find a neutral third party the mediator. Mediation is effective because the mediator is a assistant who is appointed to help the parties solve their dispute, but who dose not get interests from the outcome. Mediation is also called Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) because it is a cost-efficient and faithful tool to the traditional methods like litigation and arbitration. Even not every case of mediation work, it remains an effective method for parties to take for avoiding a long and expensive process of settling dispute.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Living Like Weasels, Shooting An Elephant, And Virginia Woolf
The human is the most complex living being on the face of this earth, yet human roots are sometimes forgotten. Through Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, it is clear that animals are the brothers and sisters of the human race. In turn, human habits resemble those of all the living beings which creates unity between all walks of life, determining the same fate for all. A similar concept relates the three works: Living Like Weasels, Shooting an Elephant, and The Death of a Moth by Annie Dillard, George Orwell, and Virginia Woolf respectively. The authors explore the nature of such creatures in order to achieve a better understanding of their motives, all the while gaining insight on the cycle of life. Both Living Like Weasels by†¦show more content†¦Woolf paints a similar picture as the moth’s â€Å"legs agitated themselves once more...the enemy against which he struggled†¦was [somehow] opposed to the...moth...It was useless to do anything†¦One coul d only watch the extraordinary efforts made by those tiny legs against an oncoming doom,†being death (Woolf 195). This story parallels that of Orwell’s and explores the moments before the unavoidable force of death sweeps one away. The essays show that it is â€Å"useless†for anyone to do anything in this â€Å"powerless†state because the time has come. All one is left to do is to endure the pain as the senses are slowly removed and as he/she transitions onwards, displaying that change is also a part of the cycle of life, and one must develop patience and endurance to handle change. Moreover, Dillard’s and Woolf’s pieces investigates the process of death, the end of the cycle. Dillard believes that by â€Å"grasp[ing] your one necessity and not let[ting] it go, to dangle from it limp wherever it takes you. Then even death†¦cannot you part†(Dillard 66). In other words, one should seize their destiny till their body decomposes i n the ground,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Agent Orange Medical Ethics - 1657 Words
Motivation: Throughout the past Forty years the Vietnam war and it’s after effects have shaped and changed so many individuals and their lives. I will expose a deeper look at what actually occurred during the war and most importantly what actually caused the millions and millions of lives; both Vietnamese, Japanese, and American. Problem statement: With war comes after effects and throughout the past Forty years many American Veterans from Vietnam have had health complications and issues due to the widespread use of Agent Orange during the duration of the war, especially at base camps. These ailments, cancers, and diseases can be traced back to a series of Chemical Defoliates or herbicides that have left traces of Dioxin with whoever or wherever it once was used or sprayed. Conclusions: For all of these Veterans affected by this chemical unknowingly deserve restitution and better yet compensation for their medical issues and bills. Agent Orange: Medical Ethics Agent Orange was widely used throughout the entire Vietnam war by Anti-Communist forces. In 1962, 85% of the food sources in Vietnam were targeted to be sprayed with Agent Orange from the air. Helicopters and planes were used in order to do aerial drops consistently and easily. On top of the use of Agent Orange on the forests of Vietnam, United States military bases used this herbicide daily if not weekly in order to keep the lands on the bases clean and low amounts to no vegetation on the bases. Many UnitedShow MoreRelatedVietnam War Terms1357 Words  | 5 Pagesthree branches of government should always be equal in power. ID: Operation Rolling Thunder was around the clock bombing of both North and South Vietnam, in hopes to cripple to Vietcong supply lines. Bombs such as cluster bombs, napalm, and Agent Orange were used. Sig: Operation Rolling Thunder did not work. Bombs were dropped on anything imaginable, but that did not deter the Vietcong from gaining independence. The only effect that Operation Rolling Thunder had was on American allies. FirstlyRead MoreDo I Choose Life Or Death My Unborn Baby?1406 Words  | 6 Pagesno control of, yet we pray to God to even become pregnant or bless the baby to be just healthy. In the world today, many women experience suffrage, with childbearing. The internal emotions fall to the wayside without the acknowledgment from other medical doctors to assist, with pain and healing within. A woman blessed with the chance to bring life into the world, and then right before her eyes, life simultaneously changes because of a health dilemma. Then the test of choices become a life or deathRead MoreSusan Finally Gets Pregnant With Down Syndrome Essay1650 Words  | 7 Pagesno control of, yet we pray to God to even become pregnant or bless the baby to be just healthy. 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Nagel agrees to Williams’ idea and categorizes ‘moral luck’ into four differentRead MoreJeanne Harley Guillemin on Biological Weapons3027 Words  | 12 Pageswell as being an author and medical anthropologist, for 25 she was a Professor of Sociology at Boston College. There, she participated in extensive research on medical ethics and hospital technology. For her works she received fellowships to become a member of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee at the Hastings Center for The Study of Ethics. In addition, she was co-head of the National Library of Medicine’s Health Aware Project. This was a partner project with Harvard Medical School which tested how theRead More The Bright Future of Genetic Engineering Essay2185 Words  | 9 Pagescan turn an environmental disaster into a harmless situation. Another beneficial product which is currently being field tested is a bacterium that utilizes 2,4,5-T; this is a component in agent orange. 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Network Project Management for PM Leadership- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theNetwork Project Management for PM Leadership. Answer: PM Leadership Jim Rains is a newly hired assistance project manager at a commercial construction company while Bob Moore is a head superintendent working in the company for more than 25 years. As leaders, both Bob and Jim are very efficient, which can be judged from the fact that Jim could not digest it when Bob used to send carpenters to his house on rainy days while still paying them from companys accounts [1]. On the other hand, Bob was viewing the issue as a human resource managerial concern and did not want the carpenters to become demotivated or dissatisfied with their jobs by lying around free on rainy days. As a result, both of them are good as leaders. PM Execution The execution of the project has not been going very well, which is evident from the fact that the carpenters are not happy with their work schedule being disturbed because of the rain. On the other hand, the company is dealing with a situation where it has surplus workforce on rainy days, which does no work but is still being paid for the entire day. As a result, the cost of the project is increasing unnecessarily, which questions the execution of the project. PM Risk Analysis In construction projects, one of the biggest risks is related with the weather, which should be clearly identified during the planning phase itself. Weather conditions, such as rain, hailstorm, snowfall, etc. can hinder the progress of a project as the conditions are not suitable for construction programs [2]. To deal with such risks, the company should have prepared detailed charts and plan execution in such a way that operations like carpentry, etc., which are vulnerable to rains, should not have been done in months of heavy rain [3]. Ethics Assessment Ethics is a persons judgement of right and wrong. Ethics can play a huge role in the business world because leaders often take decisions on the basis of their ethical values. The ethical issues that arises in the cases study is whether Bob should use the workforce of his company for his personal work i.e. whether he should send his companys carpenters to his own house for carpentry and pay them from the companys expenses. Code of Ethics Professional Conduct is a legal framework which ensures that honesty, responsibility, respect and fairness are the values that define the ethical decisions taken by project managers in their profession. Code of Ethics and Business Conduct have a provision for protection of a companys assets, resources and data from being misused. As a result, using companys workforce for personal work is unethical on Bobs part and can be legally challenged as well. Ethics Alternatives Bob has a number of ethical alternatives that would help him in dealing with the ongoing situation. One of the best alternative is to bring the situation under the radar of the senior management. As the company is a large construction company, it is obvious that it must have some other projects running nearby [4]. When the work conditions in the ongoing project are not suitable, Bob can transfer the surplus workforce to other projects where their efforts can be used. This would not just prevent the company from losing its productivity and speed, but will also help in ensuring a better management system. Ethics Analysis According to the PMI Ethical decision making framework, there are five steps that can help in analysing the ethical value of a decision. Let us analyse our alternative ethical decision according to the framework: Firstly, the decision has been considered after considering all the facts and information of the case and will definitely be beneficial for the company. Secondly, it Is important to make a prediction and consider the final results of the decision. In this case, our alternative decision will definitely have better results for the company in the future as compared to the present decision taken by Bob. Third, it is important to identify ones own feeling towards the decision. With respect to our alternative decision, Bob will definitely be happier as it would help him in dealing with the on-going problems [5]. In the fourth step, Bob needs to consider if he can live with his alternative decision. In the last step, Bob needs to think if he would be able to explain his decision to other people and prove its ethicality. A thorough analysis of our decision can clearly demonstrate that the alternative decision is any day better than the one that was earlier taken by Bob. Ethics Application From the view point of a project manager, the alternative decision to employ the carpenters at some other project on days of rain will definitely have a positive impact on the company and will provide a greater good to everyone because not only will it help the company in avoiding wastage of resources but will also ensure that the resources of the company are utilised in a proper way and the productivity of the company does not suffer because of weather conditions. Further, the choice will also be fair to all the concerned people because the carpenters will work for the company in all conditions, rather than working at the house of some employee while still being paid by the company. Ethics Action In this case study, the decision of Bob to employ the carpenters at his house on rainy days can be controversial and can foster a negative environment in the workplace as the workforce would start to misuse the assets and resources of the company for their personal use. On the other hand, the decision to transfer the workforce to some other project site on days of rain when the work conditions are not suitable will allow the managers to ensure continuous and smooth running of operations and in fostering a positive environment in the workplace. References [1] J. B. Ciulla, Ethics, the Heart of Leadership, 3rd Edition, ABC-CLIO, 2014. [2] A. Chughtai, M. Byrne and B. Flood, Linking Ethical Leadership to Employee Well-Being: The Role of Trust in Supervisor, Journal of Business Ethics , vol. 128, no. 3, pp. 653-663, May 2015. [3] A. Walker, Project management in construction, John Wiley Sons, 2015. [4] H. Kerzner and H. R. Kerzner, Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, Wiley Publishers, 2017. [5] M. S. Schwartz, Ethical Decision-Making Theory: An Integrated Approach, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 139, no. 3, pp. 755-776, December 2016.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Monetary policies in Mexico
One of the most striking features of the economic history of Mexico is the persistent instability in prices that has been witnessed for a considerably long period of time due to ineffective monetary policies. Reliable statistics from the World Bank indicate that variability in pricing index coupled with high inflation rates in Mexico has been a recurring phenomenon (par.2).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Monetary policies in Mexico specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Consequently, the living standard in this nation as reflected by worsening income distribution, sharp wage declines, instabilities in business performance indices as well as low economic growth among other indicators have negatively contributed towards the unfavorable economic well being of Mexico. Since the 1990s, monetary policies in Mexico have been formulated and implemented with the aim of monitoring and regulating exchange rate systems. Nonetheless, most of these policies have not yielded positive economic outcomes as expected. Lorà a and Jorge posit that economic failures been demonstrated in major outbreaks of inflation and in the devaluation of the Mexican peso when exchanged against the US dollar (840). However, as this paper analyzes, monetary policies, exchange rate regimes that are flexible and inflation targeting approaches have been set in place by the Banco de Mexico to stabilize the economy since the crisis of 1995. It is against this backdrop that this paper offers a critical look at monetary policies and exchange rates in Mexico in relation to the United States dollar. Mexico and its economic background from early 1990’s Reports by the World Bank obtained from the 2010 Census indicate that the present day Mexico has a population of 113,432,047 people and a GDP of $ 1,034,804,491,256 (The World Bank par.1) . The country has been documented as one of the largest and fast growing economies in the world. However, since the early 1990’s, Mexico has grappled with economic instabilities due to poor monetary policy regimes. Risso and Edgar are categorical that until 1990, the economic policies in Mexico were regarded as strong protectionist policies that had trade barriers for automotive and computer industries among other key industries (246). For instance, in 1995, a major financial crisis springing from complex political, economic and financial factors struck the Mexican economy and caused a major economic instability. The episodes of instability among other factors paved way for the formation of proposals favoring exchange rate regimes to stabilize the economy.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Some of the proposals that gained ground included setting up a strategy to improve the monetary policy using exchange regime rates which are flexible and adoptin g dollarization or making the dollar a legal tender. Another option that was set at that time was to increase its integration with Canada and the United States of America. Figure 1: A figure showing the GDP to dept ratio in Mexico Source: Lorà a and Jorge argue that the Mexican economy was subjected to persistent variation and high inflation rates after the crisis that damaged its capacity to attain better standards of economic growth (839). The previously set policy of fixed rate regime was abandoned by the government and a floating exchange rate regime was adopted. Within six months, the currency in Mexico took a 50% nose dive and the recession in the country deepened in late 1990, the Mexican Peso began depreciating steadily causing exports to increase and import prices to rise. This turned Mexican economy to be export-based and therefore benefitting industries, softening devaluation but hurting emerging middle class and poorest s egments. Changes over-time After the 1995 crisis, the trajectory measure that the government in Mexico had adopted was the flexible exchange rate system which was used to maintain better economic results to the year 2000.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Monetary policies in Mexico specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As a matter of fact, some of the monetary steps that were taken by Mexican government had major positive impacts to the economy in spite of the fact that there were myriad of challenges that were faced in course of the monetary reform process. Risso and Edgar posit that by using the flexible exchange rate regime, inflation rate that was 52% took fell to a low of 9% (246). Indeed, this was a clear proof that this was the best regime in the monetary policy in Mexico. However, economic analysts posit that that drop was not satisfactory when viewed from the perspective of price stability and inflat ion rates in other countries. The government then adopted the floating exchange rate system regime that had been initiated in 1994 after the Mexican Peso crashed. In 1996, mechanisms were set by the Banco de Mexico to target and capture foreign reserves for exchange rates. This led to acquisition of more foreign reserves which gave the country revenues from petroleum. The latter action led to significant improvement of overall economic conditions in Mexico and assisted it in paying its debts. The country had been heavily suffering from external debts prior to this grand economic plan. The country’s current monetary policy is a floating exchange rate regime. The latter policy has been hailed by the World Bank arguing out that in 2007, it made Mexico’s international reserves to stand at US$ 75.8 billion (par. 4). Ettinger is of the opinion that through this policy, the government and Banco de Mexico began a monthly auction program that traded US dollars with an intention of reducing heavy reliance on petroleum to stabilize the economy and raise the level reserves (729). As a matter of fact, Mexico had been spending mammoth sums of its reserve currency in the importation of crude oil. It is imperative to note that in the period 1998-2008 and 1998-2004, Mexico traded its Peso with the US$ at a range from $8.46 MXN to $11.66 MXN per USD$ 1.00 respectively. This period of ten years 1998-2008 saw the depreciation of Mexican Peso by about 38.18% (Bahmani-Oskooee and Scot 1019). During the acceleration of the credit crisis in the US in 2008 to the global financial crisis, the Peso has fluctuated from lows of $10.96 MXN to $15.42 per USD$1.00. Other exchange rate trends are shown in the figure below:Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Figure 3: A figure showing exchange rate trend in Mexico Conclusion To sum up, it is imperative to reiterate that inflation in Mexico has been a major problem that has impacted on the living standards of the population in the country. Studies and credible statistics from the World Bank have pointed out that the major source of persistent inflation has been predetermined monetary policies and unstable exchange rates which have not been strategized to meet the objectives of stabilizing the general level of prices. However, monetary reforms like dollarization and modifying monetary policies can create stability in investments, foreign trade and prices as already discussed in the paper. On a final note, it is also worth to mention that both exchange rates and inflation levels do affect the overall performance of an economy. Works Cited Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen and Hegerty, Scott. â€Å"The Effects of Exchange-rate Volatility on Commodity Trade Between the United States and Mexico†. Southern Economic Journal 75.4 (2009): 1019-1044. Print. Ettinger, Aaron. â€Å"The Globalizers†. International Journal 62.3 (2007): 728-730. Print. Lorà a, Eduardo and Ramà rez, Jorge. â€Å"Inflation, Monetary Policy and Economic Growth in Mexico. An Inverse Causation, 1970-2009†.  Modern Economy 2.5 (2011): 834- 845. Print. Risso, Adrià ¡n and Sà ¡nchez Carrera, Edgar. â€Å"Inflation and Mexican Economic Growth: Long-run Relation and Threshold effects†.  Journal of Financial Economic Policy 1.3 (2009): 246. Print. The World Bank. Mexico. 2012. Web. This research paper on Monetary policies in Mexico was written and submitted by user Changel1ng to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
How to Write a Movie Critique Like an Expert
How to Write a Movie Critique Like an Expert How to Write a Movie Critique: Professional Guidelines Movie Critique: Professional Guidelines If you do not know how to write a movie critique, you might easily mistake this assignment for a movie review. However, there is a difference between these two paper types. While a movie review describes the opinion of the writer, a critique focuses on production and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the movie in order to provide recommendations on what could have been improved to attract a wider audience. If you do not know how to write a movie critique for school, start by asking yourself the following questions: Is this an original film or a part of some franchise? Does it fit the series? What inspired the author of the story? Was it a novel, story, or real-life events or people? Did the plot writer manage to create a captivating story? Have all questions been answered by the end of the film? What about the rhythm of the movie? Is it smooth or dynamic? Is the story clear or filled with unnecessary details? Can you understand who the target audience of the movie is? Can you think of any other similar or related movies on the same topic? Was the cinematography successful? Did the director choose effective production techniques (shots, sound, etc.)? Do they contribute to the purpose and the atmosphere of the movie? The movie entertaining or serious? Does it touch on any topical issues? Do you think that the cast is appropriate? Did the actors manage to get into their characters? What kind of atmosphere does the movie have? Is it joyful / romantic / tense, etc.? Once you answer all these questions, you can say that you have done half of the work writing a movie critique. Of course, this will be only a rough draft and much will have to be improved but now you know how to write a movie critique. Below, we are describing some of the most effective techniques that will help you create an impressive paper. A Quick Guide on How to Write a Film Critique Essay Getting started is always the hardest. At this point, you have to choose the approach to writing and set the pace. If you have no idea where to start, try some of the techniques discussed below: Watch the assigned movie and write down the main events, characters’ names, and all the details that attract your attention. Many students decide to rely on their memory but it is a trap you should not fall into. You will definitely forget something important, so it is better to use your notebook when preparing to write a movie critique essay. Do a research. When hearing ‘movie critique assignment’, most students will not even think of research. However, painstaking research is the basis of a well-written critique. If you are familiar with the movie background, such as how the story was made, what the director is good at, which locations were chosen, what inspired the writer, etc., you will be able to perform a deeper analysis of the movie and produce a well-thought-out paper. Analyze the movie after watching it. Do not rush into writing a critique right after you have seen the credits. Give yourself some time to let the emotions settle and understand what the movie was really about and what the director was meaning to say. The authors of brilliant reviews usually re-watch the movie to reach a whole new level of understanding it. Study the characters. Jot down some ideas about them as you watch the movie. Define the protagonist, antagonist, and supporting characters and think about the purpose of each in the film. Do they represent some aspects of human relationships? Take into consideration the settings because it might play a defining role in how the story unfolds. For example, in a movie about natural disasters the nature might be a leading character, as well. The influence of characters and director. Taking into account the people who created the movie gives you a better understanding of it. Of course, you do not have to write about all people who participated in the process. However, think about the style of the director, the strengths of the leading actors, cameramen, etc. and how they contributed to the movie. Create an outline. This is a necessary step you should take if you want your paper to be cohesive and well-organized. Support your claims with evidence. For example, if you criticize the plot for the holes it has, make sure you provide examples of such holes. The same applies to your comments on dialogues, cinematic techniques, and so on. Successful examples will make your arguments more convincing, and this is exactly what you need if you want your movie critique to be powerful. Comment on the originality o the movie. Conclude by saying if the movie stands out and justify your conclusion. Free Movie Critique Writing Movie Critique Writing Service If you do not know how to write a movie critique but you still need a flawless paper, you can try professional movie critique writing services. To write a strong critique, you should watch the movie more than once and be familiar with all the subtleties of this paper type. This task is rather time-consuming but you cannot give up on it because it will harm your academic performance. If you are striving to succeed at college, be sure to submit all the assignments on time. However, keep in mind that even the most diligent students need some help every now and then. provides professional writing services. We have a vast team of experts with PhD and MA degrees and huge experience. Try our affordable services and we will help you achieve even the boldest academic goals!
Friday, February 28, 2020
Short essays questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Short essays questions - Essay Example In turn, these decisions affect recruitment, selection, and employment schemes. As opposed to this, a staffing plan is used for monitoring and controlling the costs of human capital to create an infrastructure that encourages effective decision-making. The plan takes into account workload and outcome measures, which assist an organization in predicting its present and future staffing needs. 3. Firstly, it is integral to understand the nature, strategies and plans of business that are driving changes in staffing levels. Next, the driving factors behind staffing needs should be identified, followed by identifying constraints on staffing. Having done that, new changes in roles and positions should be introduced. Thereafter, quantitative techniques should be applied to appropriate areas, supplemented by qualitative methods too. Lastly but most importantly, analysis of the overall strategy is imperative to learn lessons for the future. 4. Controllable actions in relation to staffing actions could include targeted retention, reduction, redeployment, promotion, transfer, hiring, recruiting etc. On the other hand, uncontrollable actions can range from voluntary turnover rates, retirements, other losses etc. 5. Staffing ratio establishes a numerical relationship between the volume/output and the number of workforce required to perform/produce that output. For instance, IT tasks tend to be project-based; hence, it becomes important to determine the truly required number of project managers. This can be done through calculating various staffing ratios such as: users per project manager, capital investment per project manager, the percentage of IT staff who is project managers, or applications to be developed per project manager. 6. The first solution of the 30,000-foot approach emphasises on explaining the increase in management effectiveness through the adoption of a novel approach to workforce planning by
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Forensic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Forensic - Essay Example The modern world is experiencing more sophisticated criminal activities that use technology to hide the identity. One of the commonly used method in crime propagation is the use of typewritten documents. Printed documents are used for criminal purposes such as communication, threatening, or soliciting ransom. Investigators thus face a dilemma on how to track the suspects. However, locating the machine used in printing or photocopying the documents is critical in narrowing the search area. Several methods are used to identify the machine that printed a particular document. The machines are traced from the unique characteristics of their output. Some of the characteristics include; paper banding due to variations in speeds of toner cartridges, marks from feed system, graphic marks put by specific printers and identification of indentations using Electrostatic Detection Device (EDD). According to Chiang et al. (2004) printer prices have enormously dropped, and almost everyone can afford one. However, the manufacturers of these printing machines lower the quality of the machines to reduce costs of production. Changes are visible in aspects such as plastics gears that move the toner cartridge. The cartridge gears are also never uniform making toners cartridges run at different speeds. Every printer or photocopiers have unique toning pattern as a result of toner morphology and chemical composition (Girard, 2013). Forensic experts are thus able to determine the machine used in printing or photocopying a paper. As noted, the variability in cartridge speeds inhibits accuracy of the toner. The photoconductor is subsequently rotated at different speeds. The situation leads to uneven detection of text or image with certain parts being darker and others lighter. The phenomenon is called banding and is common in printers and photocopiers that use rotation beams.
Friday, January 31, 2020
Herbal Remedies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Herbal Remedies - Assignment Example Some of the factors that influence herbal use in America include ethnicity, history of family, immigrant, and herbal use among members of the family. There is a reported high use of herbal medicine among Italian Americans from recent studies on ethnicity and racial lines. There are many illnesses treated using herbal medicine. These vary from patient to patient due to varying responses to the medicine. Some of the illnesses that are treated using herbal medicine among the African Americans and Italian Americans include: varicose veins, indigestion, obesity and weight loss among other medical conditions. The African Americans and Italian Americans use varying herbs to treat these illnesses. However, there are commonly used herbs among the two cultural groups such as bitter orange for treating indigestion, chaparral for treating hypertension, and ginger and germander for obesity and other liver related illnesses. The medical herbs are purchased from herbs clinics and traditional doctors that treat chronic conditions among the communities. The side effects associated with the use of herbal medicine are as mentioned: heart attack and fainting resulting from use of bitter orange; chaparral which may lead to damage of the liver, hypertension suffered by patients with cancer as well as problems with kidney; ginger may lead to an alteration in bleeding time among females while germander may damage the liver of the patients. When a patient uses herbal medicine after using allopathic medicines, there could be adverse effects on the condition, however, there are no particular complications identified by name, however, the patient medical condition may worsen resulting from a mix of reaction between the two
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Childhood, Politics, and Satire in The Child in Time Essay -- The Chil
Childhood, Politics, and Satire in The Child in Time  For most children there is a strong desire never to grow up. This ‘Peter Pan’ complex has a large impact on most children and therefore very many adults later in life. Many of the images in The Child in Time are related to this desire, and the title is possibly directly related to the concept.            Kate is the first example of this eternal youth. She is not killed by any significant event - she does not succumb to a disease nor is she struck my an unfortunate accident - instead, during what would be a completely standard and banal trip to the supermarket she is abducted. There is not really a feeling that she has been lost for a reason; she disappears without notice or any provocation. Kate achieves this dream - the desire to be a child always, and it is as she, where others had not been so fortunate, had managed to wish hard enough to allow childhood to surrounded her so completely that she could not be touched by the exterior world. Kate becomes a child forever, as the title suggests, she exists as much, or more, as a ‘child in time’ as an actual person, living and growing. To Stephen she will always be the child she was when he last saw her, and her only growth can be achieved by superimposing on her personality a ste reotyped caricature of what a child her age would be - a child hoping for a walkie-talkie set for her birthday - without her own eccentricities, or personal characteristics.            When Stephen tries to recapture Kate, in the scene in the primary school, he too is overwhelmed by childhood. Without thinking he is drawn into a lesson and becomes a stereotyped student until he is able to break out of this strange reality and return to ... ...f Nuclear apocalypse without moving, except for another drink. He does seem actively very eager not to address his unhappiness at Kate’s abduction, even to the lengths that he takes up Arabic and Tennis. Both Tennis and Arabic, however, seem associated with youth - tennis as a game played whilst still young, and active - though Stephen finds he is not really active enough to play; and Arabic, which he views as to be learnt in a very scholastic manner - he calls his tutor be his surname, and does not speak to him about anything but the lesson at hand.            McEwan portrays childhood as a very powerful and important force, and The Child In Time focuses on someone for whom this is especially potent. He seems to try to highlight different views of childhood, through time and between political theories, using The Child In Time as a reasonable successful satire.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
A lot of people don't get tested because they don't believe something like this can happen to them until it do then they walk around miserable and feel as if life is over. Getting tested every six months makes a difference depending on how sexually active you are you might want to get tested more. I personally get tested every 3 months because my mother died from this virus and I do not want to leave my kids the same way she left me. Although you may not be that comfortable it is for the better of you that you get tested and make sure you protect the people around you.You have to think of other people when you think about possibly getting a virus that can never be reversed. This is a very tricky thing to have to tell your loved ones about you don't want to have to sit down with your kids and tell them something like this. There are a lot of things that you will have to go through once you are diagnosed with such a virus you have to not only make sure that you stay healthy, so that yo u stay around for your family. We have more information on this virus meaning we can keep you alive longer you might not be able to do things the way you use to but you ill be alive as long as you follow your doctor's orders.There are still a high number of people that are not aware of this virus. It's ashamed to the number of people that aren't aware. There are about 12,000 people who are not aware of their status because they do not get tested. Our youth is being infected with this virus because they want to experiment with sex. There are about 57 percent of our youth that are gay or bisexual and are Just going around infecting each other. Things need to change and quickly because if not we won't have a future of healthy people.There re many types of ways people can get tested and many different places that you can go without any one finding out that you got tested as well as what you status is. You just have to have the courage to go get tested. I found it easier to go with a fri end or your loved one to make you more comfortable. As long as you get tested to make sure you are safe is all that matters. Families need to inform their children on how important safe sex is we have to realize that they are going to do it anyway no matter what we say so all we can do is keep them safe by providing them with everything they need to experiment safely. HIV/ AIDS A lot of people don't get tested because they don't believe something like this can happen to them until it do then they walk around miserable and feel as if life is over. Getting tested every six months makes a difference depending on how sexually active you are you might want to get tested more. I personally get tested every 3 months because my mother died from this virus and I do not want to leave my kids the same way she left me. Although you may not be that comfortable it is for the better of you that you get tested and make sure you protect the people around you.You have to think of other people when you think about possibly getting a virus that can never be reversed. This is a very tricky thing to have to tell your loved ones about you don't want to have to sit down with your kids and tell them something like this. There are a lot of things that you will have to go through once you are diagnosed with such a virus you have to not only make sure that you stay healthy, so that yo u stay around for your family. We have more information on this virus meaning we can keep you alive longer you might not be able to do things the way you use to but you ill be alive as long as you follow your doctor's orders.There are still a high number of people that are not aware of this virus. It's ashamed to the number of people that aren't aware. There are about 12,000 people who are not aware of their status because they do not get tested. Our youth is being infected with this virus because they want to experiment with sex. There are about 57 percent of our youth that are gay or bisexual and are Just going around infecting each other. Things need to change and quickly because if not we won't have a future of healthy people.There re many types of ways people can get tested and many different places that you can go without any one finding out that you got tested as well as what you status is. You just have to have the courage to go get tested. I found it easier to go with a fri end or your loved one to make you more comfortable. As long as you get tested to make sure you are safe is all that matters. Families need to inform their children on how important safe sex is we have to realize that they are going to do it anyway no matter what we say so all we can do is keep them safe by providing them with everything they need to experiment safely.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Supremacy and Member States - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1615 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Compare and contrast essay Did you like this example? A Study of EU Supremacy and Member States Introduction Each of the member states of the European Union have a constitution of some sort; whether its written or otherwise. Most of them have a written constitution (with the United Kingdom being one of the few who doesnt), and this can cause a great many problems when it comes to EU supremacy if it in any way conflicts with their constitution. Although one of the conditions of membership of the European Union is that member states give priority to EU legislation over their own, many were (and still are) unwilling to surrender the authority of their own law. The following essay will explain what is meant by the concept of supremacy of the European Union, then go on to examine the importance of the constitution in Germany and France and their contrasting reactions of the governments and court systems to European supremacy. Finally, these will be compared to the constitution and reactions here in the UK. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Supremacy and Member States" essay for you Create order Supremacy The idea of the supremacy of EU law stems from the fact that in certain situations, the constitution and laws of the member state may conflict with those of the EU. When this happens, the member state in question is meant to ignore their own National laws and let EU law take precedent. As Foster said, it can be looked at from two angles; that of the Union, and that of the member state[1]. While there is no specific provision of the Treaty on European Union (TEU) which expressly regulates the supremacy of EU law over that of member states, but it is implied in Article 4(3) of the TEU with the fidelity clause. This imposes a duty on all member states to ensure that appropriate measures are adopted to ensure that the obligations of the treaty are observed, as well as a negative duty to refrain from acts which might prevent the achievement of any objective of the treaty. The idea of supremacy as it stands today regarding member states was created and developed through a number of im portant cases and rulings; the first of which is Van Gend en Loos v Nederlandse Administratie der Belagstingen[2]. Here, a conflict between the national law of the Netherlands and EU law, and citizens would have had no protection if they had to rely on National law. The European Court of Justice held that the treaty in question was meant to protect individual, and therefore the Netherlands had failed to comply with EU law. It was held that individuals in the Community could uphold their rights under Community law in National courts as member states had limited their sovereignty when becoming part of the EU (although these limits were in the range agreed in the EC Treaty), saying that The Community constitutes a new legal order in international law, for whose benefits the States have limited their sovereignty rights, albeit within limited fields. This was the first time that EU was regarded, if not specifically stated, as superior by the Court of Justice. Costa v ENEL marks the first time that this fact was expressly stated. Here, the issue raised was whether a National court should refer a case to the Court of Justice if Community law may be applicable, or merely use National law. It was held that EU law holds precedent over all contradicting National laws, thus confirming the EUs overall legal supremacy. Regardless of what is held in any case presented or what is specifically stated by the EU, there are still a great many conflicts over their supremacy; especially where a member states Constitution is concerned. Germany The Robert Pattenson State to the EUs Twilight Saga. Germanys Constitution is known as the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany, and has been effect since 1949 (in West Germany; 1990 in a reunited Germany). It holds great importance to the nation as its purpose is to ensure that a political dictator could never again take power in the aftermath of World War II, and to establish a stable Government and parliamentary system. Although Germany were one of the founding members of the EU, membership caused some initial problems with regards to the constitution. Mainly, there was a question of the basic principles of Basic Law being under adequate protection under Community Law. This was further aggravated with the Court of Justices decision in Internationale Handelsgesellschaft, in which the ECJ held that not even a elementary principal of a National constitution could be used to challenge the supremacy of EU law. Matters are further complicated when the fact that Germany has five separate courts the ordinary, specialised, social security, labour, and tax as well as the constitutional courts is taken into account. The Federal Tax Court has already refused to acknowledge the sovereignty of EU law in two cases (1981 and 1986), and in the second case contradicted a ruling of the ECJ. Ironically, this violated the German Constitution, which states that no one shall be deprived of their rightful judge (which in this case was the ECJ). Germany is one of (if not the most) reluctant member state to accept EU sovereignty, challenging Community law whenever the opportunity presents itself, to the point that there is a long running saga of them opposing the ECs banana regime. France The Constitution of the Fifth Republic was adopted in 1958, and established France as a secular and democratic country. The French courts are divided in to two factions, ordinary and administrative, as well as the Constitutional court. Despite the fact that they are all subject to Article 55 of the French constitution (which states that Treaties or agreements duly ratified or approved shall, upon publication, prevail over Acts of Parliament, subject, with respect to each agreement or treaty, to its application by the other party), they have had drastically different attitudes towards the integration of EU law. The French ordinary courts had no difficulty in accepting the supremacy of EU law, making Article 267 TFEU (previously Article 234 EC) references to the ECJ and complying with Article 55 of the Constitution. The French Supreme court actually supported EU Supremacy without reference to the constitution due to the direct effect of EU law itself, seen in the case of Cafe V abre[3]. Here, the article now known as Article 110 TFEU was held to succeed over national statue. Consequently, the lower courts have been seen to follow this example. The French administrative courts, however, take a substantially different approach. In fact, the Supreme Administrative Court, Conseil dÃÆ'†°tat, has on occasion completely disregarded EU law supremacy or the necessity to make a reference to the Court of Justice. This comes down to one of the French principals of law, acte clair, which states that if a provision of law is clear, there is no need to make reference to a higher court and is merely to be applied. This can be seen in the case of Minister of the Interior v Cohn-Bendit[4], where it was held that an individual could not rely on directives to challenge the administrative courts. Nevertheless, in more recent times there has been a more accommodating approach when it comes to the acceptance of EU supremacy in the French administrative courts. The two m ost notable cases on this front are Nicolo[5], in which the Conseil dÃÆ'†°tat re-evaluated its view of the supremacy of international law over domestic (chiefly due to Article 55 of the French Constitution), and Boisdet[6], where a piece of incompatible national law was declared invalid due to Community regulations. In light of the overall acceptance of EU law supremacy, the French constitution was amended in 1992 to include Title 15, Articles 88-1 to 88-7. This deals directly with the European Union and the extent of its supremacy in relation to national law. The only issue with this is that the Articles do not explicitly state whether or not Community law takes precedence over the Constitution, and some recent judgements have suggested that international obligations are not automatically supreme. There is still some debate in literature as to the full extent of this. The United Kingdom The United Kingdom is one of the few member states of the EU to have an unwritten constitution. Instead our principals are drawn from various sources written and unwritten which includes both legislation and common law. Because of this, it is held that No act of parliament is unconstitutional, for the law of the land knows not the word or the idea[7]. This can make things easier when it comes to implementing any international obligations imposed by the EU, as there is more flexibility of the constitution. The UK take what is known as a dualist approach, which means that any law passed by the EU that is not directly applicable (under Section 2(1) of the European Communities Act 1972) does not apply under UK domestic law until there is a piece of secondary legislation to give it effect. Section 2(4) of the ECA also deals with the association between EU law and National law without expressly stating that the former has sovereignty. Conclusion This Bibliography Foster on EU Law, [3rd Edition, 2011], N. Foster Law of the European Union, [3rd Edition, 2001], P. Kent The Member States of the European Union, [2005], S. Bulmer and C. Lequesne Constitutional Law of the European Union, [2nd Edition, 2005] Various Authors English Constitutional History, [1967] S.B. Chimes Application of Articles 81 82 EC by the French Ordinary Courts. A Procedural Perspective, [2001] C. MomÃÆ' ¨ge and L. Idot [1] Foster on EU Law [Fourth Edition], 2013, pg 131, chapter 5.1 [2] Van Gend en Loos v Nederlandse Administratie der Belagstingen [1963] E.C.R. 1 [3] Cafe Vabre, [1975] 2 CMLR [4] Minister of the Interior v Cohn-Bendit [1980] 1 CMLR 543 [5] Nicolo, [1990] 1 CMLR 173 [6] Boisdet, [1990] 1 CMLR 3 [7] English Constitutional History, [1967] S.B. Chimes
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