Sunday, May 17, 2020
Living Like Weasels, Shooting An Elephant, And Virginia Woolf
The human is the most complex living being on the face of this earth, yet human roots are sometimes forgotten. Through Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, it is clear that animals are the brothers and sisters of the human race. In turn, human habits resemble those of all the living beings which creates unity between all walks of life, determining the same fate for all. A similar concept relates the three works: Living Like Weasels, Shooting an Elephant, and The Death of a Moth by Annie Dillard, George Orwell, and Virginia Woolf respectively. The authors explore the nature of such creatures in order to achieve a better understanding of their motives, all the while gaining insight on the cycle of life. Both Living Like Weasels by†¦show more content†¦Woolf paints a similar picture as the moth’s â€Å"legs agitated themselves once more...the enemy against which he struggled†¦was [somehow] opposed to the...moth...It was useless to do anything†¦One coul d only watch the extraordinary efforts made by those tiny legs against an oncoming doom,†being death (Woolf 195). This story parallels that of Orwell’s and explores the moments before the unavoidable force of death sweeps one away. The essays show that it is â€Å"useless†for anyone to do anything in this â€Å"powerless†state because the time has come. All one is left to do is to endure the pain as the senses are slowly removed and as he/she transitions onwards, displaying that change is also a part of the cycle of life, and one must develop patience and endurance to handle change. Moreover, Dillard’s and Woolf’s pieces investigates the process of death, the end of the cycle. Dillard believes that by â€Å"grasp[ing] your one necessity and not let[ting] it go, to dangle from it limp wherever it takes you. Then even death†¦cannot you part†(Dillard 66). In other words, one should seize their destiny till their body decomposes i n the ground,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Agent Orange Medical Ethics - 1657 Words
Motivation: Throughout the past Forty years the Vietnam war and it’s after effects have shaped and changed so many individuals and their lives. I will expose a deeper look at what actually occurred during the war and most importantly what actually caused the millions and millions of lives; both Vietnamese, Japanese, and American. Problem statement: With war comes after effects and throughout the past Forty years many American Veterans from Vietnam have had health complications and issues due to the widespread use of Agent Orange during the duration of the war, especially at base camps. These ailments, cancers, and diseases can be traced back to a series of Chemical Defoliates or herbicides that have left traces of Dioxin with whoever or wherever it once was used or sprayed. Conclusions: For all of these Veterans affected by this chemical unknowingly deserve restitution and better yet compensation for their medical issues and bills. Agent Orange: Medical Ethics Agent Orange was widely used throughout the entire Vietnam war by Anti-Communist forces. In 1962, 85% of the food sources in Vietnam were targeted to be sprayed with Agent Orange from the air. Helicopters and planes were used in order to do aerial drops consistently and easily. On top of the use of Agent Orange on the forests of Vietnam, United States military bases used this herbicide daily if not weekly in order to keep the lands on the bases clean and low amounts to no vegetation on the bases. Many UnitedShow MoreRelatedVietnam War Terms1357 Words  | 5 Pagesthree branches of government should always be equal in power. ID: Operation Rolling Thunder was around the clock bombing of both North and South Vietnam, in hopes to cripple to Vietcong supply lines. Bombs such as cluster bombs, napalm, and Agent Orange were used. Sig: Operation Rolling Thunder did not work. 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Network Project Management for PM Leadership- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theNetwork Project Management for PM Leadership. Answer: PM Leadership Jim Rains is a newly hired assistance project manager at a commercial construction company while Bob Moore is a head superintendent working in the company for more than 25 years. As leaders, both Bob and Jim are very efficient, which can be judged from the fact that Jim could not digest it when Bob used to send carpenters to his house on rainy days while still paying them from companys accounts [1]. On the other hand, Bob was viewing the issue as a human resource managerial concern and did not want the carpenters to become demotivated or dissatisfied with their jobs by lying around free on rainy days. As a result, both of them are good as leaders. PM Execution The execution of the project has not been going very well, which is evident from the fact that the carpenters are not happy with their work schedule being disturbed because of the rain. On the other hand, the company is dealing with a situation where it has surplus workforce on rainy days, which does no work but is still being paid for the entire day. As a result, the cost of the project is increasing unnecessarily, which questions the execution of the project. PM Risk Analysis In construction projects, one of the biggest risks is related with the weather, which should be clearly identified during the planning phase itself. Weather conditions, such as rain, hailstorm, snowfall, etc. can hinder the progress of a project as the conditions are not suitable for construction programs [2]. To deal with such risks, the company should have prepared detailed charts and plan execution in such a way that operations like carpentry, etc., which are vulnerable to rains, should not have been done in months of heavy rain [3]. Ethics Assessment Ethics is a persons judgement of right and wrong. Ethics can play a huge role in the business world because leaders often take decisions on the basis of their ethical values. The ethical issues that arises in the cases study is whether Bob should use the workforce of his company for his personal work i.e. whether he should send his companys carpenters to his own house for carpentry and pay them from the companys expenses. Code of Ethics Professional Conduct is a legal framework which ensures that honesty, responsibility, respect and fairness are the values that define the ethical decisions taken by project managers in their profession. Code of Ethics and Business Conduct have a provision for protection of a companys assets, resources and data from being misused. As a result, using companys workforce for personal work is unethical on Bobs part and can be legally challenged as well. Ethics Alternatives Bob has a number of ethical alternatives that would help him in dealing with the ongoing situation. One of the best alternative is to bring the situation under the radar of the senior management. As the company is a large construction company, it is obvious that it must have some other projects running nearby [4]. When the work conditions in the ongoing project are not suitable, Bob can transfer the surplus workforce to other projects where their efforts can be used. This would not just prevent the company from losing its productivity and speed, but will also help in ensuring a better management system. Ethics Analysis According to the PMI Ethical decision making framework, there are five steps that can help in analysing the ethical value of a decision. Let us analyse our alternative ethical decision according to the framework: Firstly, the decision has been considered after considering all the facts and information of the case and will definitely be beneficial for the company. Secondly, it Is important to make a prediction and consider the final results of the decision. In this case, our alternative decision will definitely have better results for the company in the future as compared to the present decision taken by Bob. Third, it is important to identify ones own feeling towards the decision. With respect to our alternative decision, Bob will definitely be happier as it would help him in dealing with the on-going problems [5]. In the fourth step, Bob needs to consider if he can live with his alternative decision. In the last step, Bob needs to think if he would be able to explain his decision to other people and prove its ethicality. A thorough analysis of our decision can clearly demonstrate that the alternative decision is any day better than the one that was earlier taken by Bob. Ethics Application From the view point of a project manager, the alternative decision to employ the carpenters at some other project on days of rain will definitely have a positive impact on the company and will provide a greater good to everyone because not only will it help the company in avoiding wastage of resources but will also ensure that the resources of the company are utilised in a proper way and the productivity of the company does not suffer because of weather conditions. Further, the choice will also be fair to all the concerned people because the carpenters will work for the company in all conditions, rather than working at the house of some employee while still being paid by the company. Ethics Action In this case study, the decision of Bob to employ the carpenters at his house on rainy days can be controversial and can foster a negative environment in the workplace as the workforce would start to misuse the assets and resources of the company for their personal use. On the other hand, the decision to transfer the workforce to some other project site on days of rain when the work conditions are not suitable will allow the managers to ensure continuous and smooth running of operations and in fostering a positive environment in the workplace. References [1] J. B. Ciulla, Ethics, the Heart of Leadership, 3rd Edition, ABC-CLIO, 2014. [2] A. Chughtai, M. Byrne and B. Flood, Linking Ethical Leadership to Employee Well-Being: The Role of Trust in Supervisor, Journal of Business Ethics , vol. 128, no. 3, pp. 653-663, May 2015. [3] A. Walker, Project management in construction, John Wiley Sons, 2015. [4] H. Kerzner and H. R. Kerzner, Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, Wiley Publishers, 2017. [5] M. S. Schwartz, Ethical Decision-Making Theory: An Integrated Approach, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 139, no. 3, pp. 755-776, December 2016.
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